3/25(月)報恩法要のお知らせ / Buddhist Ceremony (Hōon Hōyō)
English version is below.
【日 時】 平成31年3月25日(月)11:00~
【場 所】 臼杵市深田 国宝臼杵石仏
【問合せ】 臼杵市観光情報協会 TEL 0972-64-7130
Buddhist Ceremony is conducted once per year to renew deep gratitude for the Stone Buddhas and ancestors who devoted themselves to creation of the Stone Buddhas.
They are believed to have been carved around 1,000 years ago between the late Heian period to the Kamakura period.
The ceremony is led by officiating monks of the Buddhist temples, starting from Mangatsu-ji Temple, via four clusters of the Stone Buddhas, and ending at the statue of Renjo-Hoshi, the legendary creator of the Stone Buddhas.
Please visit and feel free to join our event!
Date: Monday, March 25, 2019, at 11:00AM
Venue: Usuki Stone Buddha, 804-1 Fukata, Usuki-shi, Oita.
(For access, please refer to the site https://sekibutsu.com/english )